OA pizza 隱身在飯店中的美式餐廳 American Restaurant Hidden in a Hotel

OA pizza 隱身在飯店中的美式餐廳 American Restaurant Hidden in a Hotel

OA PIZZA位在烏石港旁的OA HOTEL二樓,是附屬於OA HOTEL的美式餐廳,除了餐點外,OA PIZZA取得星巴克授權,在店內也有販售星巴克的咖啡。店內的特色餐點有手工披薩、義大利麵、炸物小點、啤酒等等,應有盡有。


  • 地址:宜蘭縣頭城鎮烏石港路301號2F
  • 電話:03 977 1166 網站
  • 營業時間:每日 11:30~21:30

OA PIZZA is located on the second floor of OA HOTEL next to Wushi Harbor. This is an American restaurant that not only serves meals but is also authorized to sell Starbucks coffee. The menu features a variety of dishes, including handmade pizzas, pasta, snacks, and beer, catering to all tastes. 

With no time limit on dining, it’s perfect for family or friend gatherings. After the meal, you can take a walk by the harbor and enjoy the sea breeze, making it an ideal spot for a get-together.

Address: 2F, No. 301, Wushi Harbor Road, Toucheng Township, Yilan County.